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Network Nodes

In this page you can search for network nodes by filling the corresponding fields. The results are displayed in the following table. Furthermore, you can choose a node for viewing.
Map Only
Node name Area Active peers Active clients
hennels (#9112) Europa 1 0
TheToolbelt (#9120) dade 1 0
tonydb (#9129) Neptune 1 0
illie (#9154) Mitchell's Plain 1 0
Romepie (#9155) Valley Area 1 0
RabbitHole (#9186) Blackheath / Blue Downs 1 0
Cobra (#9199) Hyperlink 1 0
abduarte01 (#9200) Fricken_Licken 1 0
BigL (#9216) Valley Area 1 0
tfyreCCold (#9255) 1 0
dee (#9263) Neptune 1 0
Pitbull-2 (#9281) Mitchell's Plain 1 0
Pakkie (#9286) KM 1 0
Sanie (#9288) Mitchell's Plain 1 0
flashstick (#9316) Venus 1 0
Chella (#9321) dade 1 0
shad0w7 (#9328) Atlas 1 0
Liryc (#9343) Mitchell's Plain 1 0
Kroon (#9350) Ironman 1 0
Hellbent (#9355) dade 1 0
lookaplane (#9379) Not Connected Yet (CTWUG) 1 0
AdaME2 (#9421) Hyperlink 1 0
NELLE (#9446) Graphire 1 0
Jax (#9454) Hyperlink 1 0
Vulcan (#9457) 1 0
Dogman2 (#9461) Northpen 1 0
KapteinYster (#9475) Ironman 1 0
Gizmo (#9526) Ironman 1 0
TonyA (#9542) Neptune 1 0
Rhodes12 (#9552) Durbanville 1 0
ObelixNico (#9577) Mars 1 0
CompuCell (#9580) Graphire 1 0
DemonKnight (#9586) Hyperlink 1 0
Depressed (#9604) 1 0
Boudewijn (#9614) Nowires 1 0
frikkie (#9618) Ironman 1 0
Maanbok (#9644) Koeiklap 1 0
zan3leroux (#9651) Ironman 1 0
Eebster (#9721) Hyperlink 1 0
RiaanX (#9730) Ironman 1 0
Hawk (#9735) TFyre 1 0
KGS (#9739) Borg 1 0
Beowolf (#9760) KM 1 0
Shalako (#9774) Valley Area 1 0
rsalie (#9783) Hyperlink 1 0
Linde (#9787) Mars 1 0
kickass (#9788) Delft 1 0
Jakes (#9796) Saturn 1 0
officetoad-remote (#9810) SouthPen 1 0
Shaunyboy (#9818) Mitchell's Plain 1 0